We are members of The Church Referral Network, a group of area churches whose Pastors have signed the National Evangelical Statement of Faith. Churches that work together to help people find a Bible believing church. Our leaders are Elder Pastors of Churches that are of like precious faith that provide a covering for our local Pastor. Our church deacons provide the order and leadership for the seven Pillars of ministry in our local church. Our senior Pastor is the head of the local church to impart the vision and assignment God has given!
Weekly Sunday Family Worship, Preschool, Children’s Church at 10AM.
Weekly Wednesday Night Worship, Prayer & Healing Services at 7PM.
Women’s Breakfast: Meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9 AM.
Men’s Coffee Club: Meets 4 to 6 times a year on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10AM.
Fellowship Events, Concerts & Conferences, Annual Picnic in the Summer, Family Bowling in the Winter, Harvest Luncheons in the Fall, and Special Speakers though out the Year!